Archive for January 21st, 2012

BPC #19/366: Carwash, Please!

I’ve had a long day today! I always do when it’s the seventh day of the week because it is Sabbath and my family attends church every Sabbath day. I got up pretty early this morning, like I always do every Saturday, to prepare for one or more dishes that I bring to church for our potluck lunch. And as expected, we had a great time with our church family and with all the vegetarian foods that I freely feasted on for lunch.

After lunch, we had to go to the Nursing Home nearby to spend an hour singing with the old folks and it is always a delight to be with them every third Sabbath of the month. Triz had her moment when she helped the Dadi and other kids led some action songs. It was almost 4 o’clock already when we got out of the nursing home and our messy van that needs a bath or a shower anytime soon was what my subject that moment. Thus, it is what I am featuring right now for my 19th entry of the 366 Blog Photo Challenge:

The van seems to be shouting, "Wash me, please!"

See how messy and dirty and even nasty our ride is? It’s natural though here in our end for cars to look as such because of the snowy road. Even despite parking it in a garage, still, we can’t escape from the dirtiness that our road condition has these days. Makes me look forward even more to Springtime! Carwash? I am not sure if we are getting any soon. It’s still below freezing here in our neck of the woods. That means I will have to endure seeing this dirty van of ours! 😀

How is it in your end, guys? Are you maintaining a spotless ride, free from any dirt? Good for you if you do! 🙂

366 Blog Photo Challenge

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