Archive for January 8th, 2012

Sealed and Safe for the Winter

We didn’t sign up for the freezing temperature here in Central Wisconsin when we decided to live here over two years ago, but it is a natural part of the package to be living here. Last year’s winter was the coldest that I’ve experienced when the temperature dropped to 29 degrees below zero. It was definitely bone-chilling! But we lived in a brand-new apartment that time with free heater as part of the free amenities and we had a centralized heat so it was very comfortable and worry-free when it comes to our bill.


However, we moved to a different apartment last Fall though and the free amenities have changed. It doesn’t include a free heater anymore so we have to pay our energy consumption, heat-wise. We had a very early snowfall for the winter. It was November 9th when the first snowfall of the season made us chill. Following the first snowfall was the freezing temperature so in order to save for gas consumption, the husband and I had to go an extra mile to do something. A Rigid Foam Insulation is totally worth it! We bought an insulation system; a plastic window covering for all our windows and put them on and since then, I can tell that the cold that gets inside through the windows have been lessened.

Sealed "n" Safe

On the first month since we had the insulation system, our gas bill reduced by $19. Cool, right? Now maintaining the thermostat at 70F room temperature, I am sure we will be saving more while the winter lasts.


I love the snow and how beautiful it is when it falls but I definitely dread the freezing temperature! However, I am one of those few people out there who are lucky enough to be staying at home during the winter. And so the least that I can do to contribute to having a lesser monthly bill for our gas is to come up with an idea on how to save more. Putting on an insulation system is totally worth it and I am proud to say that yes, it was my idea to put one up!


I am participating in a blogger campaign by Bucks2Blog for Rigid Foam
Insulation and was compensated. However, the views and opinions are my own.

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