My Pink HP Touchpad Case is Here!!!

I did mention in the old entry that I bought a leathercase for my HP Touchpad which is so pink. Sure enough, it never changed its color when it got into my hands. Hahaha.

I was so excited to open the package when the UPS guy handed it down to me but then I realized it was so girlie indeed when I dressed it on my Touchpad. The daughter then exclaimed, “Wow! That is so pink, Mang! Isn’t there a red or purple or blue?” She sure was looking for her favorite color! HA!

And when the husband saw it, he was like, “That thing is for girls!” Nyahaha. And since then, he has never held it. 😛 Well, he doesn’t have time for it anyway!


So now, my Touchpad doesn’t only look cute and girlie but very much protected, too. The case can be folded horizontally or vertically so at any angle, the screen will be good. The case fits extremely snugly onto the tablet, and will eliminate all fears of fingerprints on the shiny back of the Touchpad. Which is what I was after for when I decided to buy it. 🙂

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